Things to Do Now

According to Holliday (1997), there are a substantial amount of ways we can improve school-community relations now.
  1. Invite parents with special talents to speak to your class.
  2. Call parents for every child in your class at least once a year to compliment and report on the student's growth.
  3. Send notes home once a month with a positive comment about each student.
  4. Arrange to have artwork and other presentation mediums displayed in local businesses and community buildings.
  5. Reverse roles with students and let them teach.
  6. Prepare a slide show or Powerpoint to show at a PTA meeting or post on your website.
  7. Create weekly newsletters.
  8. Different grade levels can work with each other and offer buddy reading programs.
  9. Coffee with the principal, bi-annually, held in the cafeteria (Holliday, 1997).

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